Opening Statement

As we open Harlan County, U.S.A. week, we wonder why documentaries are so rarely considered part of the essential – by John Gilpatrick, August 1, 2016

The Personal Is Political: Women in Harlan County U.S.A.

“The personal is political” was a rallying cry of second wave feminism. This was not just a flashy slogan, and the truth of it is demonstrated powerfully in the 1976 documentary, Harlan County, U.S.A. – by Felicia Elliott, August 2, 2016

History of the Heart: The Music of Harlan County

These songs, with their rich descriptions and calls for action serve not only as artistic endeavors but also as cultural memories of the events in Harlan. Where history is concerned with the facts and interpretations of the past, these ballads are about the feelings of the day – by Alex Moore, August 3, 2016

Related Review: American Dream

About a decade and a half after producing and directing one of the most powerful and influential documentaries of all time, Barbara Kopple returned to the world of workers' rights for American Dream – by John Gilpatrick, August 4, 2016

Further Streaming: Women in Documentary

Barbara Kopple is one of the most prolific and important female documentary directors in cinematic history, but she's not alone. Check out these Netflix streaming suggestions of female-directed, politically driven documentaries – by Cindy Waldeck, August 5, 2016